23 June 2010
13 June 2010
Dance, dance, dance
12 April 2010
Happy 25th Birthday!
11 April 2010
Mummies in the OC
It looked like something you would like - it focuses on Oceanic and Eastern art (and cultural artifacts). We got to see the special exhibit "Secrets of the Silk Road". It was really cool - they have mummies! Naturally preserved Caucasian mummies that were found in far Western China. The artifacts were awesome; unfortunately the curating left a little to be desired. . Doug was frustrated with the spelling (If I can tell things are misspelled you know it's pretty bad) and I was frustrated with the editing (fluffy sentences should be CUT. The explanations sounded like when you try to pad a paper). Still, it was a very cool exhibit. We weren't allowed to take photos inside the exhibit, but these are a few from around the museum's permanent collections:
A happy Coffin in the form of a Mythic Beast from Borneo, early 20th Cent. I like how he's smiling:
Canoe, Yani Culture, Orchid Island, Taiwan, 20th Cent:
This is a tiny little, like 3inch Chinese carving on the top post (neither Doug nor I can remember the technical name):
09 April 2010
Oh no, Knott Again!
Knott's is all decorated for spring:
Snoopy's Shop! (It got cold!)
04 April 2010
Hoppy Easter!
Poor little Bunny - he didn't have such a good Easter. I did!!
28 March 2010
Huntington Beach
17 March 2010
Wear Green!
14 March 2010
Merlin's in Riverside!
07 March 2010
Last Disneyland Trip (for now)
Captain EO just reopened. You remember - we saw it at Epcot at least once. It's a 3-D movie with Michael Jackson. The brought it back asap (once the family and sponsors agreed).
The tulips were amazing. All of the little statues around the Hub were very social and wanted to hold the HI AMY sign all by themselves!
I finally dragged Doug up through Tarzan's Treehouse! Hurrah!
18 January 2010
09 January 2010
Behind the Apartment
(Doug was super excited about the Getty, my amazement with the mountains, and the HI AMY obsession)
03 January 2010
Christmas, One Last Time!
I love how festive Main Street is:
It's a Small World Holiday
Esmeralda is like my own personal Mother at Disneyland - she's always telling me to finish what I start, not to be discouraged, that things will work our. It's funny.
You are indeed a most fortunate person. While you think your life has
been hard and you have struggled with poverty, you have been fitting yourself
for the great change that will come when five rainbows have spanned the
heavens. Not only yourself, but four of your relatives will be benefitted
by your good fortune. It will not only be in money but also in social
position and influence. You will also meet one who will love you, but will
be prevented for a time from marriage. Be patient. In time the
obstacle will be removed, the union will take place and happiness will be yours
for a time. This happiness will continue as long as you are true to your
marriage vows, and are kind to those around you. Your lucky stone is
onyx.One of your lucky numbers is 14.
So....it's not exact, but she's a busy woman. It's not too bad.
Minnie! in Christmas gear! I was thrilled!
01 January 2010
Happy New Years!
We then watched the Rose Parade. We had talked briefly about going see it - but you have to get there almost the night before to get a spot.
I cooked cabbage and blackeyes! Doug placated me and had a few bites of each.